About the Journal

Aims & scope
GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to inter- and transdisciplinary research on and for sustainability transformations.

Published articles analyze, interpret, reflect on, and discuss the diversity and dynamics of human-nature relationships, informed by ecological knowledge and directed towards sustainability. The journal provides a platform for presenting and promoting theoretical and empirical insights.
GAIA particularly encourages submissions that transgress disciplinary boundaries, transcend established knowledge domains, or explore novel methodologies, such as participatory and transdisciplinary research processes.
With a clear commitment to Open Access, GAIA addresses science and practice alike, and aims to foster society’s competence for sustainability-oriented action.
Articles are chosen for their scientific quality and thematic significance. Additionally, the editorial team refines each article to be accessible and engaging for readers from different backgrounds and disciplines.

International and multidisciplinary readership
GAIA addresses readers from a wide range of academic and practical backgrounds in Europe and overseas, making sustainability research accessible and fostering inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue.

We welcome contributions that align with GAIA’s mission of advancing sustainability transformations. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Biodiversity | Climate Change | Ecosystem Services | Environmental Governance | Environmental Planning | Environmental Policy | Land Use (Change) | Natural Resources Management | Real-world laboratories / Living labs | Research Integration and Implementation | Socio-Ecological Systems | Sustainability in Higher Education | Sustainability Science | Sustainability Transformations | Sustainable Energy Systems | Transdisciplinarity | Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education | Transformation Research | Transition Research

Sections and section policies
GAIA is comprised of three primary sections - Forum, Research, and Books. Forum and Research articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review.
Forum: In the Forum section, original papers are published including essays, pointed expressions of opinion and reactions to articles that have appeared in recent GAIA issues. As such, the Forum aims to challenge current understandings by providing a “forum” to articulate substantiated opinions and controversial issues, to identify new problems, and to establish actual contexts.
Research: The Research section of GAIA contains three categories of texts:

  1. Original scientific articles of environmental and sustainability research.
  2. Review articles that place environmental problems and development in a broader context. General review papers are usually written upon invitation and in agreement with the editorial office.
  3. Design Reports which focus on the configuration of inter- and transdisciplinary research projects in terms of their research and communication design. Design Reports discuss the underlying reasoning for the project design and critically present the design principles. Design Reports are a GAIA-specific format.

Books: The Books section is dedicated to the presentation, discussion and review of new publications relevant to GAIA ’s subject matter. Contributions to the Books section are usually written upon invitation and in agreement with the editorial office. Authors intending to write a book review on their own initiative are advised to contact the editorial office in advance. Book reviews are examined by at least one of the editors of GAIA. If required, further expertise is requested.
Communications: Scientific institutions associated to GAIA use the Communications section to present their research as well as to link their activities to other institutions. Articles are generally written upon invitation and are reviewed by the editorial office.

Focus sections
GAIA publishes focus sections. These focus sections appear within regular GAIA issues. They are published through the collaboration of both GAIA editors and guest editors. Additional expenses to cover editorial and production services will be borne by the guest editor(s).

Frequency of Publication
GAIA is a quarterly publication.

Journal owner
Verein Gaia – Konstanz, St. Gallen, Zurich is the sole owner of the journal and the title right.

Revenue sources
GAIA is primarily funded through contributions from its co-issuing institutions, which include the ETH Board (CH), BMBF/SÖF (DE), the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria, (AT) and saguf (CH). These institutions support GAIA through their core funds. Additional backing comes from D-USYS at ETH Zurich (CH), as well as German partners including DGH, HNEE, RIFS Potsdam, and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy. Revenue is further supplemented by subscription fees and, where applicable, by publisher-collected fees for Gold Open Access.

The journal owner and the publishing house (oekom) decide together whether and which advertisements will be published in the journal. Advertisements from external advertisers are limited to a maximum of four pages in print per issue; in addition, the publishing house (oekom) may cover a maximum of eight pages with its own advertisements. By no means will advertisements influence journal content or editorial decision making. All advertisements will be kept separate from published content and will be clearly marked.

Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, shall be appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive.

GAIA has been supported by: ETH Board | Branco Weiss † | Eawag | Altana AG | Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung | Velux Stiftung | Stiftung Sonnenwiese | Binding Stiftung | Ulrich Müller-Herold | Paul Schiller Stiftung

The editorial processes ensure that business models or revenue sources never influence editorial decision-making.

GAIA is an ancient Greek word for the Earth:
The word Gaîa touches on a myth that affected the beginning of philosophy and science. "Mother Earth" is a formula for bearing and conceiving, giving and taking, up and down. A guarantor of the cycle of life, Gaîa represents the foundation of the law that is preliminary to human dispositions.